Education Sector
The school has a total of 80 teachers with 67 functional classrooms and a total strength of 1200 students. For the Karachi crown, there were participants from all the six districts. Bilal was the only participant from a government school, while all other participants were from the private schools. “We were given three themes by the organizers — ‘The creation of Pakistan’, ‘The evolution in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ and ‘Pakistan’s resources’. “I was under the impression that the participants from the private schools would out-class me in the final round but it turned out a good fight.” He added. Radiography And Medical Technology To better understand why so many educators are excited about looking at student achievement differently, we can lean into the philosophy of going gradeless by considering its benefits and drawbacks and by experimenting with just one or two... Fighting for Food With a Video Campaign Feeling unheard , parents launched a video campaign...